100 Search Engine Optimisation techniques for small businesses

The list below shows Search Engine Optimisation techniques to put into practice today

  1. Research and use relevant keywords in website content and meta tags.
  2. Create unique and informative content for your website.
  3. Optimise images by compressing file sizes and using relevant keywords in file names.
  4. Create and verify a Google My Business listing.
  5. Build high-quality backlinks from reputable websites.
  6. Use social media to promote your website and engage with customers.
  7. Use alt text to describe images on your website.
  8. Use a responsive design for your website to ensure it looks good on all devices.
  9. Create a sitemap for your website and submit it to search engines.
  10. Use header tags (H1, H2, etc.) to organise and structure your content.
  11. Use analytics tools to track website traffic and user behavior.
  12. Build a mailing list and regularly send out newsletters or promotional emails.
  13. Set up and verify your website with Google Search Console.
  14. Create a robots.txt file to instruct search engines on which pages to crawl.
  15. Use internal linking to help search engines understand the structure of your website.
  16. Make sure your website is mobile-friendly and has a fast loading speed.
  17. Use structured data markup to make your website more informative for search engines.
  18. Use Google AdWords to create and run pay-per-click (PPC) ad campaigns.
  19. Optimise page titles and meta descriptions for better visibility in search results.
  20. Use local keywords in your content and meta tags to optimise for local search.
  21. Use Schema.org to markup your website for rich snippets in search results.
  22. Create and maintain a blog for your website.
  23. Create high-quality infographics and share them on social media and other websites.
  24. Build relationships with other businesses and websites in your industry.
  25. Submit your website to relevant directories and online business listings.
  26. Optimise product and service pages for e-commerce websites.
  27. Use keyword-rich URL structures for your website pages.
  28. Create and publish videos on your website and YouTube.
  29. Use Google Analytics to track and analyse your website traffic.
  30. Create a FAQ page for your website.
  31. Use schema markup for reviews and ratings on your website.
  32. Use Google Tag Manager to manage tracking codes and tags on your website.
  33. Use 301 redirects to redirect old pages to new pages or to redirect traffic from a non-preferred domain.
  34. Create a custom 404 error page.
  35. Use link building strategies to get other websites to link to your website.
  36. Use social media sharing buttons on your website.
  37. Use rich snippets to display additional information in search results.
  38. Create a site search feature for your website.
  39. Create a privacy policy and terms of service page for your website.
  40. Create a sitemap for your images and videos.
  41. Optimise for voice search by using natural language and long-tail keywords.
  42. Create and submit a video sitemap to Google.
  43. Use Google Search Console to monitor your website’s performance and identify any issues.
  44. Use structured data to mark up events and organisations on your website.
  45. Create an XML sitemap for your website and submit it to search engines.
  46. Use webmaster tools like Google Analytics, Google Search Console, and Bing Webmaster Tools.
  47. Use schema markup for business information on your website.
  48. Use Google AdWords and other PPC advertising platforms to drive traffic to your website.
  49. Optimise your website for featured snippets by creating concise and informative content that answers common questions.
  50. Create and publish engaging content that will attract social media shares and backlinks.
  51. Use long-tail keywords in your content and meta tags to target specific audiences.
  52. Use Google’s mobile-friendly test to make sure your website is optimised for mobile devices.
  53. Use schema markup to display recipe information in search results.
  54. Create a landing page for specific products or services to target specific keywords to help with SEO
  55. Use Google’s page speed test to optimise your website’s loading time to help with SEO
  56. Use Google’s Structured Data Testing Tool to test and optimise your website’s structured data to help with SEO
  57. Create and share infographics and other visual content on social media and other websites to help with SEO
  58. Use Google’s rich card report to monitor your website’s performance in rich card search results to help with SEO
  59. Use keyword-rich anchor text for links on your website.
  60. Use schema markup to display product information in search results.
  61. Create a Google Plus page for your business and encourage customers to leave reviews.
  62. Use Google’s local pack report to monitor your website’s performance in local search results.
  63. Use structured data to mark up local businesses on your website.
  64. Use Google’s structured data report to monitor your website’s performance in rich snippets.
  65. Use Google’s rich results test to check if your website is eligible for rich results in search results.
  66. Use Google’s manual actions report to check if your website has been penalised for any SEO violations.
  67. Use structured data to mark up articles and news on your website.
  68. Use structured data to mark up music and videos on your website.
  69. Use structured data to mark up books and products on your website.
  70. Use structured data to mark up TV shows and movies on your website.
  71. Use structured data to mark up software and apps on your website to help with SEO
  72. Use structured data to mark up courses and events on your website.
  73. Use structured data to mark up jobs and job postings on your website.
  74. Use structured data to mark up TV episodes and ratings on your website.
  75. Use structured data to mark up restaurant menus and reviews on your website.
  76. Use structured data to mark up medical content on your website.
  77. Use structured data to mark up bibliographic content on your website.
  78. Use structured data to mark up a logo and contact information on your website to help with SEO
  79. Use structured data to mark up the organisation and social profiles on your website.
  80. Use structured data to mark up the website’s search box.
  81. Use structured data to mark up the website’s breadcrumb navigation to help with SEO
  82. Use structured data to mark up the website’s site navigation.
  83. Use structured data to mark up the website’s logo.
  84. Use structured data to mark up the website’s contact information.
  85. Use structured data to mark up the website’s search features.
  86. Use structured data to mark up the website’s reviews and ratings.
  87.  Utilise microdata, such as JSON-LD, to improve the visibility of your website in search results.
  88. Improve the readability of your website by using short paragraphs and headings.
  89. Optimise your website’s internal linking structure to improve the user experience and help search engines understand the content on your site.
  90. Use keyword-rich file names for images, videos and other media.
  91. Use structured data to mark up Q&A and FAQ pages on your website.
  92. Use structured data to mark up product reviews and ratings on your website.
  93. Use structured data to mark up people and organisations on your website.
  94. Use structured data to mark up reviews and ratings for local businesses on your website.
  95. Use structured data to mark up events on your website, such as concert listings or conference schedules.
  96. Use structured data to mark up educational content on your website, such as online courses or tutorials.
  97. Use structured data to mark up job listings on your website.
  98. Use structured data to mark up videos on your website, such as product demonstrations or promotional videos.
  99. Use structured data to mark up podcasts and audio files on your website.
  100. Continuously monitor your website’s performance and make changes and updates as needed, including staying up-to-date on the latest SEO best practices and guidelines.

For more about SEO, contact us!

We hope this helps and best of luck!

Byter Team

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