Reporting & Analytics: Social Media Reporting

Your Social Media reporting tools at your fingertips. Start focusing on the numbers and see your business grow week after week.

Best social media reporting

Stay on top of your
social media performance

Group your pages or locations into segmented workspaces to improve collaboration with comments and shares. Add team members to get creative and work better together.

See which locations perform better and identify gaps in your strategy

Stay up-to-date with the dashboard and get a clear insight into which areas are doing good and those which need improvement.

Social media london
Best social media reporting

Quickly find the pages that need more attention

The approve cycle has never looked easier. Suggest posts for approval straight away in the social media calendar instead of playing email tennis.

Get detailed reports depending on what page you are looking at

Want to easy-to-read reports? We provide dynamic page performance analytics that can be exported to a PDF to discuss with your teams or clients.

Best social media reporting
Best social media reporting

Check how each of
your posts perform

Simply select the time period of your choice and see how the post or page performed, from your reach and engagement to the number of comments and shares.